Knowledge tour to Paris (Expedition Tour)

In today’s world, the practical exposer is equally important for the growth of the student and Expedition Education is a way to explore the world and learn new things by themselves...

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Business tour to Eurosatory 2020, Paris

EIFE along with Europe India Chamber of Commerce is mounting a Defence & Aerospace Business Delegation to Eurosatory 2020, Paris from June 8-12, 2020...

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German Education & Culture Tour

EIFE and Carl Duisberg Centren are mounting German Intensive course with 20 training units (45 minutes) per week in a closed group Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) with special focus...

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Entrepreneurship Training in Germany – A Step to Entrepreneurship Journey (For IT & Non-IT Startups)

This programme proposal targets young professionals and managers specialized in IT & Non IT...

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A fashion tour in Paris

Fashion in France is an important subject in the culture and country's social life, as well, being an important part of its economy. Fashion is one of the fields of expertise in which France has achieved international renown.

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